
The Trimmed Lamp and Other Stories

Тип обложки: твердая
Страниц: 176
Вес: 0.335 кг
Год издания: 2017
ISBN: 978-5-519-49882-1
Цена: 899 руб. Купить

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O.Henry, the pen name of William Sydney Porter, is known for short stories with surprise endings. In this collection you will find the following beloved O.Henry stories: "The Plutonian Fire", "The Princess and the Puma", "By Courier", "The Gift of the Magi", "The Love-Philtre of Ikey Schoenstein", "Mammon and the Archer", "The Memento", "Springtime ? La Carte", "The Last Leaf", "The Skylight Room", "The Caliph, Cupid and the Clock", "The Count And The Wedding Guest", "The Romance of a Busy Broker", "The Higher Pragmatism", "While the Auto Waits", "The Social Triangle", "After Twenty Years", "The Green Door", "A Lickpenny Lover", "Lost on Dress Parade", "Transients in Arcadia", "Brickdust Row", "The Furnished Room", "Schools And Schools", "The Defeat of the City", "Madame Bo-Peep, of the Ranches", "From Each According to his Ability", "The Cabellero's Way", "Hygeia at the Solito", "The Higher Abdication", "A Double-Dyed Deceiver", "Friends in San Rosario", "The Hiding of Black Bill", "Jeff Peters as a Personal Magnet", "The Man Higher Up", "The Handbook of Hymen", "Telemachus, Friend", "The Lonesome Road", "A Retrieved Reformation", "The Renaissance at Charleroi", "The Thing's the Play", "Tobin's Palm", "A Newspaper Story", "Proof of the Pudding", and "Confessions Of A Humorist".

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