The Thames & Hudson Dictionary of Graphic Design and Designers
Страниц: 260
Вес: 0.535 кг
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ISBN: 978-0-500-20413-9
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Twenty years in print, "The Thames & Hudson Dictionary of Graphic Design and Designers" contains around 750 entries offering detailed information on every important graphic designer, movement, agency, practice and publication from 1840 up to the present day. The dictionary gives clear and accessible definitions, from technical minutiae of typography to computer-aided design and printing. Cross-references make navigating between entries simple. The endmatter contains a handy bibliography of key texts and recommended reading, as well as a timeline that puts the most influential individuals, developments and movements in chronological order. This third edition contains over 200 new, updated or expanded entries (as well as 45 new illustrations, 22 in colour) on the latest designers, terms and influences; content that ranges from Adobe InDesign to Manga, and from Chip Kidd to Marian Bantjes. Redesigned and re-typeset throughout, the book remains an indispensable reference tool to all students and practitioners of graphic design.
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