
The Package Design Book

Тип обложки: твердая
Страниц: 672
Вес: 1.300 кг
Год издания: 2017
ISBN: 978-3-8365-5552-4

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All wrapped upAn international guide to contemporary packaging designPackaging is a highly underrated art form. As the first thing a consumer sees when looking at a product, the packaging can make or break a sale. Every year, the Pentawards celebrate the art of the package by presenting awards to designs from around the world. Designers compete in five main categories - beverages, food, body, luxury, and other markets - and no fewer than 50 sub-categories. Featuring a selection of hundreds of works, this book brings together Pentawards winners from 2008 to 2016, providing a vivid demonstration of creativity in every form of packaging. Readers will discover, through product descriptions and plenty of images, what drives design industry leaders and agencies behind these creations which are so much part of our everyday lives. This well of inspiration is not just aimed at design and marketing professionals but anyone with an interest in the creative process of packaging.

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