
The Craft and the Makers: Between Tradition and Attitude

Тип обложки: твердая
Страниц: 272
Вес: 1.795 кг
Год издания: 2014
ISBN: 978-3-89955-548-6

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Craftsmanship is an expression of quality, passion, and mindset. This book is a showcase of crafted products created by small manufacturers. Craftsmanship is in more demand than ever and small manufacturers are experiencing an overwhelming renaissance. We are increasingly looking for products that last and have their own histories; things that meld form, function, and emotion into a compelling entity. This desire will continue to shape our attitudes toward consumer and luxury goods as well as innovation for the foreseeable future. Today, there are already many people who are not concerned with a logo, chasing the next trend, or contributing to a disposable society. They would rather seek objects of real value and own things with which they can truly identify. The Craft and the Makers showcases savvy businesses that are choosing to focus on craftsmanship and aiming to create things with a soul. A decisive role is played by melding tradition and innovation - from the raw materials used to the finished product. The book introduces small enterprises as well as the personalities that drive them. These artisans are using their skills to produce handicraft that meets the highest standards. Whether furniture, porcelain, or leather goods, all of the products featured here offer today's true luxury: the perfect fusion of creativity and craftsmanship that results in quality and durability. Reflecting this spirit, every page is a testament to the products created with heart that are much more than a sum of their parts.

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