
The Best Laid Plans

Тип обложки: мягкая
Страниц: 384
Вес: 0.180 кг
Год издания: 2005
ISBN: 978-0-446-60408-6, 0-446-60408-9

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The latest from the indefatigable Sheldon is full of manipulators, dirty dealers, and dastardly rascals, all snatching at power - political, financial, sexual, or all the above; in other words, business as usual in Sidney's World. "The Best Laid Plans" begins with the meeting and mating of Oliver Russell, a promising young attorney-cum-gubernatorial candidate, and Leslie Stewart, the beautiful go-getter who is running his public relations campaign. Just as the pair is about to be wed, Russell's mentor, Senator Todd Davis, offers him a deal he can't refuse: marry my daughter and I will make you president. Russell accepts and Stewart vows revenge. The lion's share of "The Best Laid Plans" revolves around the young pol's rise to power and Stewart's byzantine plotting to bring him to grief. Russell gives his phony wife plenty of opportunities because, like every fictional president (and some real ones), Russell has an unruly libido. Reading this book is like waiting for a train wreck, bracing for the inevitable collision; but to Sheldon's credit, the titanic scandal that ends the novel is not quite what you expect…Формат: 10,5 см х 17 см.

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