
Textile Design in the Digital Age

Тип обложки: твердая
Страниц: 224
Вес: 1.170 кг
Год издания: 2013
ISBN: 978-1-84796-067-2

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The sudden flurry of colour and rapid spread of busy prints is the result of the new ease of computer printing in fabric design. Pioneered by Brazilian/British design duo Basso & Brooke, the hyper-real digital technique has spread not just amongst the small but innovative studios, but also to more traditional fashion houses, such as Chanel and Armani. Following an opening discussion of how the current techniques have revolutionised hundreds of years of screen-printing, Textile Design in the Digital Age is organised by an A-Z of keynote designers operating at this cutting edge of fashion. Accompanied by fashion photography, catwalk imagery and close-up details of prints and patterns. Also supplemented by the designer's own notebooks, impressions, quotations and influences, the book is an invaluable reference as well as a visual delight of the inspirations and creations that have given rise to the current explosion of interest in textile design.

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