Remarkable Birds
Тип обложки: твердая
Страниц: 240
Вес: 0.950 кг
Год издания:
ISBN: 978-0-500-51853-3
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Краткое описание книги
We share the Earth with more than 10,000 species of birds and we have always been enchanted by them. Here, over 60 birds, organized thematically into eight sections, cover all aspects of our relationship with birds. "Songbirds2 celebrates the greatest bird virtuosi, such as the Nightingale, while "Birds of Prey" include majestic hunters such as the Harpy Eagle, which catches prey as large as monkeys and sloths. 2Feathered Travellers" describes astounding journeys made by birds - even some tiny Hummingbirds migrate huge distances. 'The Love Life of Birds' can rival any soap opera and involves the most brilliant displays, notably the Birds of Paradise, with their extravagant feathers and dances. "Avian Cities" explores species such as the Flamingo that live in spectacular large colonies. "Useful to Us" examines the ways we find birds of value, such as the Turkey, but also the Canary. "Threatened and Extinct" describes some no longer living and others that seem on the brink. Birds have also had great mystical significance, both for good and evil, and "Revered and Adored" considers such species as the Sacred Ibis, believed by the ancient Egyptians to represent the god Thoth. For anyone interested in the natural world and the wonderful variety of birds around us, this beautifully illustrated book is a visual treat that will inspire, inform and delight.
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