
New Complete Master Series: JLPT N1 Listening (+CD) / Подготовка к квалифицированному экзамену по японскому языку (JLPT) N1 по аудированию (+CD)

Тип обложки: мягкая
Страниц: 150
Вес: 0.350 кг
Годы издания: 2011, 2017
ISBN: 978-4-88319-566-4

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This book is aimed at those wishing to take the N1 level of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test, and is specifically aimed at the listening comprehension questions. The book is made up of the following three parts: 1. Mondai Shokai (This provides an overview of the form of the questions and how to solve them). 2. Jitsuryoku Yoseihen (This section examines the five types of test questions separately, and introduces the skills necessary to understand them). 3. Mogi Shiken (This mock test enables the learner to check and confirm his/her ability). After studying the distinctive features of sounds in the Jitsuryoku Yoseihen section, the learner then studies the five types of questions in a specific order (instant response, task comprehension, point comprehension, general comprehension, and integrated comprehension), and in so doing, as he/she gradually builds up the necessary listening skills, he/she can also effectively learn how to deal with the questions. While aimed at the JLPT, the book can also be used by anyone wishing to improve his/her listening skills comprehension.

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