
Lives of the Great Photographers

Тип обложки: твердая
Страниц: 304
Вес: 1.330 кг
Год издания: 2015
ISBN: 978-0-500-54444-0

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While certain photographs have become world-famous images indelibly printed on the cultural consciousness, the stories on the other side of the lens have been all too often distorted, obfuscated or overlooked, the social and political environments misunderstood or forgotten. By evoking the lives and backgrounds of nearly forty great photographers, Juliet Hacking also brings new light to their work, forging a greater understanding of each photographic pioneer. In addition, many rarely seen portraits and self-portraits are brought to light. Seen together, these entries form a holistic examination that, while drawing attention to the contributions of each individual, adroitly guides the reader through the major innovations, movements and developments in the history of photography with authority, dexterity and zeal. Bound in a single compact and portable volume, Lives of the Great Photographers is one of those rare examples where engaging reading meets beau livre.

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