
Friday on My Mind

Тип обложки: мягкая
Страниц: 448
Вес: 0.245 кг
Годы издания: 2015, 2016
ISBN: 978-1-4059-2534-1

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At the beginning of Nicci French's new thriller one of the characters describes the novel's heroine, psychotherapist Frieda Klein, in the following terms. "Wherever this woman goes, trouble follows and people get killed." No shit, Sherlock.Since her first appearance in French's Blue Monday in 2011, Frieda Klein has seen her fair share of death and despair. She was raped as a teenager, had to deal with the fallout of her father's suicide, and she has been left bloodied and beaten on numerous occasions. In Friday on My Mind, the fifth novel in the series written by the husband-and-wife team Nicci Gerard and Sean French, Klein is in deep water again.The opening chapter details the discovery of the bloated corpse of her former lover, Sandy Holland, floating in the Thames. When the police find a hospital band with the words "Dr F. Klein" tied around the dead man's wrist – and another piece of incriminating evidence – the authorities immediately suspect her of the crime.

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